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Tutti i contenuti di Jacopo Iannacci

  • Tipo: Blog
    Lun, 26/03/2012 - 10:02

    Stress, Job condition, unemployment, Michela MurgiaLast month, I have started my analysis of the job conditions in Italy by making reference to the Il mondo deve sapere (literally: The world must know), written by Michela Murgia, and published by Isbn Edizioni in 2006, which refers to the call centre of a multinational company, selling a domestic appliance. It is now time to move from the local context of that office to the general job conditions of a relevant part of the middle class employees in Italy.

    Well, at a first glance, the differences with the office where Michela Murgia used to work, unfortunately seem to be rather limited. As a matter of fact, nowadays it is very difficult for a person to find a stable job in Italy. And such a difficulty is particularly pronounced for young jobless people with college or university education.

    When looking for new people to be hired, the employers in Italy can choose, among several different typologies of temporary (fixed term)...

  • Tipo: Blog
    Lun, 30/01/2012 - 12:28

    Call center, Italian job, flexibility, meritocracyThe Italian Job is neither an old movie, nor a remake of it. It is rather a living condition, in which some typical features of our being Italian find room to be expressed.

    Talking or writing about job and employment conditions at social and country level, may result tricky, as it is quite easy giving in to temptation of demagogy and populism. Two ingredients able to divert the topic of any discussion from a logical course to other unpredictable destinations.

    A smart way to introduce such a complicated topic is by objectivity and irony. The first one is the target to be reached, while the second one is the means to achieve the target.

    A couple of years ago I read Il mondo deve sapere (literally: The world must know), written by Michela Murgia, and published by Isbn Edizioni in 2006. The book provides a fresh and ironic picture of the nonsenses upon which the work of promoters, within a call centre, is hinged. The style adopted by the author is essential, straightforward, and immediate, making the ...

  • Tipo: Blog
    Lun, 02/01/2012 - 09:33

    A separation, Asghar FarhadiI must confess that I rarely watch movies at the cinema, because I rarely watch movies in general, even if I do not have anything against movies. And to support this statement, I can tell you that I have not anything against books, but, nevertheless, I rarely read books. I could provide many motivations for such idiosyncrasies, ranging from the most straightforward to the most abstruse ones. But since not always more complex means closer to reality, I think that laziness could be fair enough, as a first tentative explanation.

    What I tried to state, despite in a rather implicit manner, is that when I decide to watch a movie at the cinema, I have a double approach to it. On one side, since I sit in front of the big screen just a few times per year, I do not have great expectations concerning the movie, regardless of the rumours about it. On the other hand, because of the same reason, I place great hopes in the movie.

    The last movie I watched is Iranian, and is entitled A Separation, written and directed by Asghar Farhadi.
    I must admit that all the expectations I had before were...

  • Tipo: Blog
    Lun, 28/11/2011 - 12:00

    Italian people, freedom, participation«What is wrong with this people?»
    «Are they possessed by some sort of alien entity, or are they just all hypnotized?»
    «Do they really care about themselves, or che sarà sarà is what they are, and this is it?»

    These are some of the thoughts I envisage that are scattering within the mind of many non-Italian persons, who live in other European Countries, or spread worldwide. Maybe, among such people, there are also Italians who have been living for a long time abroad, where you possibly can forget (or partially step beyond) what being Italian means.

    A large number of people, almost certainly, are wondering why a powerful Country like Italy, with a strong economy in Europe and in the world, apparently powered down its engines, loosing speed and altitude during the flight. And more importantly, it is dangerously approaching the stall, a condition in which maneuvering and controlling, that are deterministic concepts, become two unpredictable unknowns.

    It might seem that we started to deconstruct our heritage and our dignity,...

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